Ines Masanti is a Helsinki based multidisciplinary artist, designer, and art professional with a background in brand and graphic design, and in multidisciplinary contemporary art and event productions. 
Ines worked in production and communications for the Kuvan Kevät 2023 exhibition at the University of the Arts Helsinki. She is working with visual design and art for multidisciplinary theatre shows premiering in Cultural Centre Caisa and HIT Helsinki in 2024Ines studies in Sibelius Academy in Arts man­age­ment, so­ci­ety and cre­ative en­tre­pre­neur­ship programme. She is part of a multidisciplinary artist collective Omiaruhje and artist association Yö ry.

After graduating from Lahti Design Institute, Ines worked as a graphic designer and content creator trainee in an experience marketing agency and studied courses in digital design and change design.
Ines has graduated from Aalto University’s Visual Cultures, Curating, and Contemporary Art Master´s program. She has recently studied a Uni Arts course called Communication and effectivity of art in society. 
In recent years Ines has been part of organizing a multidisciplinary charity club called Omatuntoklubi. Ines has worked with graphic and communication design, creating for example visual identities, websites, and visual materials for shows and artists. Ines has worked with multidisciplinary collaborations doing art workshops, visual art and design, spatial design, word art, performative installation art, and art production. 

Combining practices and materials inspires me. Working in diverse ways and trying out new keeps me curious and happy. I avoid restraining myself to one profession. 
Currently I´m focusing on multidisciplinary collaborations and productions, fabric art, word art, photography- and video art, art production and communication, graphic design, and spatial and visual design for shows. I´m using play, experimenting, and finding as a way of working. I´m interested in creating soft and feminist ways of working.
Feminism and love are central to my life and art. Themes around emotions and emotional experien­ces interest me. I´m fascinated by plants, their visuality, names, life, symbolism, and environments. In my Master of Arts thesis, I examined being and working as an artist in Finland, focusing on the well-being of artists. In the artistic part of the thesis, I found ways to process my experiences and fears as an artist through artistic process done in the environments of plants. 
Spaces and atmospheres open to many kinds of experiences and emotions are important to me and my work. Well-being caused by art for the people experiencing the art and for the artists themselves is meaningful to me.